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When Will I Die
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dice que morire el 23 de febrero del 2017 por jugar demasiado   un juego de video ( MMPGMorph)  por un ataque al corazon Lol,,,

no lo dudo la verdad xD  no hago mas que jugar videojuegos  y en la pc,, auqnue si hago ejercicio,, ¬¬ ,, quizas ,, por un susto xD

February 23, 2017: Exhaustion due to non-stop gaming. You really got into playing a MMORPG and have been consumed by it. You hardly sleep and your diet consists of nothing more than energy drinks and chips. Your friends are all worried about you and try to get you to stop. You finally see that this has gotten way out of hand and promise to stop... just as soon as you finish this last game. You die of exhaustion and heart failure 30 minutes later.


TVI ..... rest in peace RIP   ..........  X_X

fiel amante de mari yaguchi,,,  un gran pesame,, amigos y familiares te extrañaran ,,, minimoni desuuu T_T

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